Line too long (126 > 120 characters):
22 # (+ corrected version)Line too long (121 > 120 characters):
159 """A numpy array containing the indices of all parent nodes, or a pandas DataFrame containing 'idx' and 'name'"""Line too long (123 > 120 characters):
311 indices (`False`). By default if the parent is identified with `parent_idx` indices will be returned (`False`),Line too long (158 > 120 characters):
343 # type: (...) -> Union[Iterable[Tuple[int, int]], Iterable[Tuple[str, str]], Tuple[Iterable[int], Iterable[int]], Tuple[Iterable[str], Iterable[str]]]Line too long (134 > 120 characters):
638 A_noredundancy = remove_redundancies(A_orig, selection_order=None if is_strict else X_stats.list_vars_by_entropy_order(desc=True))Line too long (140 > 120 characters):
653 # forestAdjMatList <- FromHToDeterForestAdjMat(H = H, criterion = criterionNlevels, removePerfectMatchingCol = removePerfectMatchingCol)Line too long (135 > 120 characters):
668 # print(paste("Multiple trees in the forest (", length(rootsFNames),") Root graph will be computed.", sep = "", collapse = ""))Line too long (156 > 120 characters):
676 # # removePerfectlyMatchingCol useless here because either pmc are in the same trees (but only one is the root), either they were deleted earlier onLine too long (149 > 120 characters):
677 # G_R <- SotABNsl(data = dataRoots, method = method, score = score, hyperparamList, removePerfectMatchingCol = removePerfectMatchingCol, ...)Line too long (124 > 120 characters):
835 self._Hcond_rel = pd.DataFrame(Hrel_array, index=list(self.Hcond.columns), columns=list(self.Hcond.columns))Line too long (154 > 120 characters):
1111 # type: (...) -> Union[Iterable[Tuple[int, int]], Iterable[Tuple[str, str]], Tuple[Iterable[int], Iterable[int]], Tuple[Iterable[str], Iterable[str]]]Line too long (154 > 120 characters):
1145 # type: (...) -> Union[Iterable[Tuple[int, int]], Iterable[Tuple[str, str]], Tuple[Iterable[int], Iterable[int]], Tuple[Iterable[str], Iterable[str]]]Line too long (123 > 120 characters):
1196 "'categorical'): found dtypes %r. This is not supported when `non_categorical_mode` is set to "Ambiguous variable name 'l':
387 for l, i, j in _walk(child, level+1):Ambiguous variable name 'I':
1002 I = np.ones((n_vars, ), dtype=bool)